It has been many years since I last flew a Cessna 172, and on February 4, 2020 I returned to the sky  taking off from Savannah for a one and a half hour flight to see how rusty my flying skills became from the lack of proficiency.  The flight consisted of basic maneuvers, slow flight, power off stalls, an emergency engine fail procedure and return to KSAV for some landings.  We where scheduled to do this flight on January 31 but the weather did not cooperate so we knocked out some ground work for the ground portion of the BFR requirements.

I felt right at home in the cockpit working the radios and flying but do have areas that I need to improve too regain my proficiency.  Doing the steep turns, as I expected, I had trouble maintaining altitude but by the last on I started to get back into the flow.  The landings will need more work as I need to regain the perspective out the window turning the landing flare.  I was consistently wanting to flare to high.

My short term goal is to get back to the point I can get my BFR complete and start flying as PIC again.  I also am looking to regain instrument proficiency and look to combine both the BFR and IPC maneuvers into future training.

I did record this flight but do not have ATC audio connections at this time and will work on adding this in the future.  I hope to edit and upload the video shortly.



C172 Takeoff Takeoff 28 KSAV

Approach 19 KSAV
Approach 19 KSAV

Taxi to 28 KSAV

The pictures are still shots from the video recording and show the take out with a new Gulfstream G700 sitting in front of use as we leave the ramp on our way to runway 28 KSAV.  The takeoff picture was from the first takeoff from runway 28 at KSAV and the approach picture was to runway 19 KSAV.